
Applying 3D printing in Education has a wide variety of important uses in primary and secondary schools, universities, libraries, technical colleges, and other educational settings
Using 3D-printed objects during oral presentations and demonstrations can improve students’ public-speaking abilities. Public speaking skills become crucial when students enter the workforce.
Overall, much of the research on 3D printing in education highlights how 3D-printed artifacts provide learning benefits that are not achievable with screen- or paper-based learning. Improved understanding comes through touching and physically observing 3D-printed objects. 3D printing promotes learning through exploration instead of outdated methods that only focus on learning from textbooks.

3D printing is done usually by successively adding material layer by layer.It allows everyone to physically manipulate complex ideas. Visualizing data into space is a great addition to 3D images, texts,& videos.

Most noteworthy our different 3D printing materials like plastic are resistant over time. Hence it allows you to transport your material without risk.

Hence Mechanical parts, architectural mockups, prototypes, art. Also, Students get a chance to bring their project to life. By quickly simulating professional life through Online 3D printing.

3D printing technology positions students as creators. Instead of buying the creations of someone else, they become inventors. They can identify needs & create solutions. Students become designers using cutting-edge technology to create their own imaginations with 3D printing.


    • Advance Level (3 Days)
    • Basic Level (2 Days)
    • 3D Pen Art (10 Days)


Advance Level Workshop is ideal for College Level Students- Mechanical and Electrical Branch. (Time - 6 Hours)
Day 1 – Basic knowledge of 3D Printing and its Technology
Day 2 – Advance Level and Assembly of 3D Printer
Day 3 – 3D Printer working and its Software Training
Basic Level Workshop is ideal for School - 9th to 12th Grades and College Level Students- Mechanical and Electrical Branch. (Time - 6 Hours)
Day 1 – Basic knowledge of 3D Printing and its Technology
Day 2 – Basic Software of 3D Printing and working of 3D Printer
3D Pen Art Workshop is ideal for Kids/ Students aged 7 to 16 years. (Time- 10 days).
This workshop will include daily hands on 3D Pen, regular Worksheets will be provided and Live Demo of 3D Printers and its technology will also be included.

For further Details Connect us -

Mobile: +91-91113 81113